How to Enjoy Whale Watching Season

The humpback is a species of whale usually found in the northern Pacific Ocean. It is one of the largest kinds of whales out there and its size ranges between 12 and 16m. They had once reached the brink of extinction in 1966 due to frequent hunting. They act as a source of oil and meat and were therefore, widely hunted. Despite the regulatory actions against its hunting, they are still prone to colliding with ships and entangling in fishing gear.

After frequent hunting, the hump-back whale had almost disappeared. However, they have started to return back to the beaches of Australia. The whale usually travels at an average speed of 2 to 10 mph or 3 to 14 km/hr. However, the maximum speed they can attain is quite fast. They can travel at maximum 26 km/hr or 16 mph. Instead of speed, they are known for their acrobatic swimming. They can dive from the surface for up to an hour in search of food.

Humpback Whale Songs:

Humpback whales produce noise, howls and moans. Scientists have yet not been able to figure out the purpose of these voices, but the research is still under progress. It is more likely that whales use these sounds to communicate with each other. They also attract their potential mates with the help of these cries. These noises are quite complex and their duration generally extends to hours. The noises are referred to as whale songs and you can hear them from a distance.

Hump-Back Whale Day:

Whale day is celebrated all around the world by World Wildlife Fund to spread awareness about its species. The name humpback was given considering the prominent hump near its small dorsal fin. They are commonly found in Antarctica where scientists installed cameras to capture their movement in their natural habitat. It provides them with the information helpful in understanding their behaviour. You can take whale tours on weekdays to enjoy watching the distinct kind of big whales.

Since they are one of the biggest creatures of the world, it is generally fascinating to watch them through such close proximity. During the whale-watching season, you can book a tour (probably from Polar Holidays) to witness their activities closely. During the autumn season, these whales migrate from Antarctica to The Great Barrier Reef near Queensland. The tours from different parts of the country take you to these areas. People of all ages can enjoy these tours on weekends as well as weekdays. The tour guides provide descriptive information on their characteristics and behaviour.


Hump-back whales breed during winter season, while the rest of the seasons are for feeding. They usually migrate during autumn or summer. Their speed is usually extremely slow during migration as they mingle with each other, though all members of the same group do not travel together. They are quite affectionate towards each other and the mothers keep their younger ones close to them.

They use their tail fin to swim across the oceans. They often leap out of water and jump back with a splash. However, scientists haven’t figured out the purpose of this habit yet.

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