Street Art and Its Development Throughout the Ages

Street art is basically independent and non-official visual art made on public places for public visibility. Street art generally refers to the artistic styles developed in urban areas after a series of incidents, where people decided to paint graffiti on buildings, walls, and windows. The term came from the street names given to certain neighborhoods or administrative locations. “Post-Graffiti” refers to art that appeared shortly after a series of crimes (robberies, assaults, murders). Artwork can also be related to political statements by popular opinion makers.
Street artists have been taking advantage of the urban setting to express themselves and their impressions of the world. However, many artists use the streets to express illegal activities and even illegal business such as drug dealing and prostitution. This has created a public stigma against these artists and their works. Many cities have passed ordinances attempting to restrict the amount of street art that can be seen on public property. The debate has been over whether the street art was being created as a commentary on societal problems or if it was merely a way of making money.
Art critics and social critics of the street art scene assert that street art is just an expression of individual creativity and artistic freedom. Street artists are free to express themselves artistically through their work. It is not socially disadvantaged to exhibit street art. On the contrary, this form of art can be very politically motivated. Several artists have created political statements through their street art through statements about the war, social struggles, politics, and other topics of general interest.
Some urban planners and cultural theorists believe that street art is a reflection of the state of the urban culture and society in general. Street artists use a number of different medium to make artistic expressions. Through the use of aerosol spray paints, broken glass, rocks, or trash, artists are able to communicate their ideas and provide a visual representation of their messages. Street artists have also utilized several types of textiles, murals, or street signs to make their artistic expression more visible to the public.
Street performance art exhibits the range of the expressive ideas that can be expressed in public spaces. Street performance art normally takes place in commercial or public areas where street art was established as part of a public performance. Street performance art can take many forms. One example would be street graffiti, which usually refers to issues of social conflict or concerns about the city environment. Other examples of street art would include street performers who perform to express their interpretation of social situations or events.
Streetart and other contemporary art scenes have provided a venue for various artists and organizations to promote their artistic expressions. In fact, some contemporary art movements have emerged out of the street art scene. Some of these would include urban farming, graffiti art, or urban gardening. Urban farming refers to urban spaces being used as farming land. Graffiti art is an example of contemporary art that emerges from the streets.