3 Ways To Make Your Hotel Room Feel More Like Home

If you travel a lot and end up staying in hotels, you know just how sterile and lifeless hotel living can be. While sometimes it’s nice to not have to worry about making your own bed or cleaning up after yourself, it can be hard to truly feel comfortable in a place that doesn’t have much resemblance to your own home. Regardless of how luxurious or beautiful the accommodations are, hotel or resort rooms just aren’t the same as being in your own space. So to help you feel better about staying in a hotel, here are three ways to help make your hotel room feel more like home.

Bring Your Normal Toiletries

While a hotel or resort will usually supply you with some of the basics you’ll need to get ready in the morning, using the provided toiletries won’t necessarily make you more comfortable in your hotel room. According to Sarah Schlichter, a contributor to Smarter Travel, it’s usually best if you bring your normal toiletries from home to use in your hotel room. By doing this, you’ll be greeted by the same smells you meet at home when getting ready. Additionally, you’ll be able to ensure that your hair or skin will react the way it normally does to your products rather than taking a chance on products you’re unfamiliar with. But when bringing your own toiletries, just make sure you bring the right sizes for traveling via plane so you don’t have to dispose of your toiletries before you’re even able to use them.

Ask The Hotel For Dishes

Unless you’re staying in an extended-stay hotel or resort, your room likely doesn’t automatically come equipped with dishes. But without them, it can be hard for you to store and reheat any food you bring into the room yourself, be it snacks packed from home or leftovers you bring back from a restaurant. Luckily, Mental Floss Travel shares that most hotels are happy to give you a set of dishes to use in your room if you just ask. This can help you feel like you’re eating real food that you might have at home rather than just eating on the run while traveling.

Pillowcases From Home

Because you probably don’t have room to bring too many of your actual possessions from home to stay in your hotel room with you, Becca Endicott, a contributor to Elle Decor, recommends focusing on bringing something to help you sleep more soundly: your own pillowcase from home. Regardless of how much room you have in your suitcase, you can usually stuff a pillowcase in anywhere. And once you replace the hotel’s pillowcase with one you usually sleep on, it may help you feel more at home and get the rest that often alludes people when staying in rented rooms.

If you’re looking for ways to help make your hotel rooms feel more like home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do just that.

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